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Blend No.15: 4oz. 'Sacred Moon' Magical Essential Oil Spray

'Sacred Moon' 4oz. Magical Essential Oil Spray in a cobalt blue glass bottle with a fine-mist spray top. Frankincense / Myrrh / Rose / Clove / Lavender / Camphor / Sandalwood / Grapefruit (Boswellia sacra / Commiphora myrrha / Rosa damascena / Eugenia caryophyllusLavandula angustifoliaCinnamomum camphoraSantalum paniculatum / Citrus paradisi)


Associated with the Moon, the Sun and with angels.


Magical uses include: Finding sacred locations, enhancing psychic abilities, heightening spirituality, banishing malevolence, clairvoyance, ritual consecration, supporting pilgrimages, engendering commitment to a cause, offering persistence in the face of hardship, hailing gifts, elevating one's vibration, summoning the courage of a prince, providing relief, bringing emotions when in a desert, past-life work, renewing vows, promoting sacred marriage and clairaudience.


Elemental associations: Water (Myrrh, Rose, Camphor, Sandalwood), Fire (Frankincense, Clove, Grapefruit), Air (Lavender, Grapefruit). (For more, see Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.)

© Moon Hollow of Salem, unless otherwise indicated. All Rights Reserved.

Blend No.15: 4oz. 'Sacred Moon' Magical Essential Oil Spray

  • When we are disoriented in a desert, in need of direction and relief, Sacred Moon quenches with its holiest of water, guiding us out of the barren dunes on to a palatial oasis, bearing gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh and lavender. A powerful blend fit for a king, Sacred Moon is associated with eight Archangels, and primarily ruled by the Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God has healed.” Ruler of the planet Mercury, governor of the South, healer of humanity and guide in both the Underworld and Heaven, Raphael is said to guard the Tree of Life and offers pilgrims companionship on long journeys. In order of rank, Sacred Moon is connected with ten of the twelve zodiac signs, including Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius, Cancer, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces, Leo and Capricorn. Principally cognate with the meticulous Virgo, Sacred Moon naturally complements those who are detail-oriented, practical and analytical, supporting their pensive tendencies, rendering it an excellent blend for writers and publishers, teachers and artists, and similar professions that require mindful processing, deep thought and commitment to a cause. The illnesses associated with this blend include those of the overactive mind, making Sacred Moon a useful tool in delivering relief from negative ruminations, especially those reality-rooted cognitions caused by excessive problems on the job, or in life. Correlated with this holy blend are its animal totems, the camel and cardinal, great allies of endurance and self-sufficiency during long journeys (camel), and strength, self-confidence and inspiration for the masses (cardinal). Amongst the stones and metals harmonizing with Sacred Moon are ruby and gold, known for acknowledging royalty, enhancing faith and expanding chances to journey to faraway places (ruby), and transcending hardship to finish a goal (gold). Attuning with this blend are its fruits and plants, the palm tree, apple and date, denoting celebration and foretelling respite (palm tree), longevity and magic (apple) and virility (date). With the brilliance of a conspicuous luminary shining bright in the eastern sky, this magical amalgam illuminates the way by improving outlook, releasing negativity, and prolonging fortitude, helping pilgrims to methodically follow a map to get to their long-awaited destination. Embodying Divine self-sacrifice while promising the reward of paradise, Sacred Moon mollifies doubt and helps us jump in with both feet, modeling the way for others who need to see us succeed. Advancing patience and good deeds, building faith and self-trust, and amplifying meditative states are some of the strengths of this blend.


    © Moon Hollow of Salem, unless otherwise indicated. All Rights Reserved.

© 2014-2025 Moon Hollow of Salem, except where otherwise credited to the original source or author. All Rights Reserved.

The Moon Hollow of Salem name and all associated Moon Hollow blend spray names are trademarks of Moon Hollow of Salem,

a privately held company originating out of Salem, Massachusetts and located in Des Plaines, Illinois.

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